The Politican Passions Index

will go live in a couple of weeks.

Check back to see exactly when…

and how you get to play a part.

Your personal invitation to be a part of The Political Passions Index Experience

We didn’t design the Political Passions Index™ to be just another survey where only “experts” get to extrapolate statistical models to figure out how THEY think YOU are thinking and feeling about the nation’s political future.

So, instead of mostly the “usual suspects” of respondents (The Recruited, The Semi-Professionals, The Panelists, The Available, The Willing, etc.), we thought it only right that you should be able to invite yourself or anyone else you want in.

We believe that makes for a respondent population that better reflects The Self-Motivated; the ones of you who will actually turn your feelings into votes. This is most important because we live in an era where self-appointed “influencers” and anyone with a platform of any kind feels immediately empowered to voice their opinions on everything from hairstyles and music to democracy itself.

We also think it only fair that, as one of our respondents, you should be able to help shape subsequent Political Passions Index™ questions and issues.

In the end, you’re the ones who make the decisions that prove those experts right or wrong. You know what you think and more importantly, you know how you feel… they just plain don’t. The truth is that political polls can influence the results. Now so can you!

Want an opportunity to weigh in, personally and directly on what matters most to you and the nation? Here’s your shot!