If your current decisional intelligence research isn’t capturing these dimensions, then you have missing links in your marketing mix. We have a way to fix this. SCROLL DOWN TO GET THE FULL PICTURE

Something to think about...

We have made great strides in analyzing marketing and social research statistics. But what good is AI if we’re still filling the hopper with a data intake model that dates back to 1933? Wouldn’t it be great if you could be working with input that expands the horizons and challenges the analytics instead of holding them back? Now you can.

 Introducing… The index of what Matters Most™.

The Decisional Intelligence Insights Engine for the 21st Century

What matters most to me drives the choices I make

It’s as simple as that. So if you want to inform me, motivate me, or persuade me you need to know what matters most to me. What matters most is all about the intensity of MY feelings… and nobody is measuring that!

That’s why we created a whole new decisional intelligence engine that not only measures how much what matters matters, down to the level of a single respondent, but also considers context, lexicon, and change vectors – the missing links of decisional intelligence.  TiMM is a powerhouse of intelligence applications.

The index of What Matters Most

The index of What Matters Most™ was created, and has been used, for large-scale custom research initiatives. It has been proven effective for more than three decades. Large multi-national corporations and mid-sized enterprises have put TiMM to work to create Category of One products and brands.

Cultureographic Insights

Cultureography is a unique, innovative, proprietary methodology for mapping the decisional ecosystems that define why we value what we value and how we decide what we decide. Over more than two decades, cultureographic mapping has been applied to innovation, branding, thought leadership marketing, advertising, and creative. With more than 50,000 total respondents the methodology has proven to substantially improve communications for effect that inform, motivate, and persuade.

Political Passions Index

American politics are no longer defined by opinions, considerations, and percentages. These days they are driven by raw, unbridled passions. Passions run from Agony to Ecstasy and from Adoration to Hatred, expressed as intensity. But nobody’s been measuring intensity – until now and the Political Passions Index™.